Spent Friday night with my beloved and gorgeous friend Frida ! Of course we ended up at the piano, singing at the top of our voices, !

Saturday I ended up going to a smaller party with a few friends. It was very nice to catch up with some u haven't seen in a while !
Tonight I went to see
Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 2/2 in 3D
at the movies, with my friend Sofia. It was very nice although I don't know what to think of the movie just yet..I really enjoyed the books and all that, but this final and supposedly epic movie was just a little bit of a let down to be honest..oh well, it's just a movie, not the end of the world... !

TMRW: I'm finally packing my bags and heading off to the Mountains ! !!! Duved, Åre here I come, beware and all that ! So excited !! Although I think the weather is gonna SUCK ! But we all know there's no such thing as "bad weather" only bad clothes ! hihi !
I won't have access to the internet by any kind so there won't be any updating this upcoming week and a half. But who am I kidding? It's not like I'm a daily updater anyway, which means I'm off the hook ! yay !
Thank you and Good Bye !! Danke, Auf wiedersehen, Merci, Au revoir , hahah, *you get a point for trying*.....