Sunday, August 28, 2011

Guten Abend !

Tyskland är hittils mycket bra. Landade i München i fredags eftermiddag och Isi och Alice mötte mig pü flyplatsen och vi drog kosen mot Bad Tölz, the town of Isi's !!
Vi har än sü länge chillat pü här i Bad töltz o drog in till München i lördags kväll för party party, vilket var väldigt roligt ! Idag har vi solat vid en jättevacker sjö (Silvenstein) som omringas av ett vackert berglandskap ! Bilder kommer att läggas upp laterrr !
I veckan ska vi besöka vackra slott o museum o annat gos o göra staden (München) OSÄKER ! whiho !

Hälsning frün Isi : Hallo Umea! Ich freue mich rießig, dass Stina und Alice zu Besuch sind. :) Wir haben eine super Zeit bis jetzt und ich will garnicht an nächstes Wochenende denken, wenn die beiden wieder nach Hause fahren. -.-
Ich hoffe, Alice und ich können Umea und Euch bald kennen lernen! :)
Liebe Grüße, Isi

Translate: Hi Umea! I am so happy that Stina and Alice are visting me. :) We are having the greatest time so far and I don't even wanna think about next weekend, when they will have to go home again. -.-
I hope Alice and I can visit you and Umea soon! :)
Many Greetings, Isi.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Love Actually is all around

One of my favorite brittish comedies : Love Actually . Such a cute movie and such a christmas goodie ! Makes me wish Christmas actually was around the corner..

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The little boy who was a girl, little Stuart.

I spent the day with Frida ! We had coffee at the old prison and watched Terminator 2 later at night, very nice indeed !

I'm liking it a lot: We will dance in the poison rain

Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's a sort of a hell hole..

I was in a record store the other day and they played some really nice tunes while there..

Patti Smith - Dancing Barefoot : Just a classic, never grows old !

Suede - Filmstar

Suede has some really cool stuff actually, I haven't really been listening to them a whole lot but what can I say ? - *I like it A LOT*

Friday, August 12, 2011

Europe is our playground

I want beautiful red colored leaves. I want to have to dress warm otherwize getting too cold, I just want to see nature turning into its most beautiful color scheme.

Monday, August 8, 2011


More than being just spontaneous I took the scissors and randomly cut bangs on myself ! I'm also close to being back to my complete and original haircolor ! This is a new look and I like it. People still don't recognize me including my MOM ! I don't know if it's a good thing or not but I like to think it is..

Beach Boys - God only knows. I love this song, it's so cute !