Our journey continued on towards the countryside and Alices hometown Betton, La Lice in Rennes on Sunday night. After a two hour trainride did we arrive around midnight at Alices house, so cute.
Monday morning and we're having breakfast tea from le bol (skål) A new fun habit of mine, still weird. We're driving downtown Betton for some shopping and coming back home later for a surprise pre celebrating of my B-day ! SO CUTE ! Thanks again for the fun presents :D ! Lots of Love !
Tuesday we're going downtown Betton again and then having German dinner and Swedish dessert topped with a Partheey with Alices friends.. LOTS of FUN!
After only two hours sleep that night, we woke up Wednesday morning to go to St. Malo and Le Mont Saint-Michel with Alices family ! It was so beautiful ! Minas Tirith from Return of the King was inspired by Le Mont Saint-Michel which is so awesome !

St. Malo
Le Mont Saint-Michel
Au Revoir !
I'm in love with France, forever.
I had a wonderful week ! Thank you Alice and Isi for giving me the best "first visit to France" - experiance I could possibly have ! xx Love !
Need to see you again soon!
I hope you are still having your tea from le bol for breakfast!!! Every morning, now, I'm thinking of you .... :)
I am having tea, the french tea you gave me, every morning from a bowl ! And i LOVE IT ! And it makes me think of you and France which makes it even better ;)
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