Monday, February 20, 2012

Sometimes affection is a shy flower that takes time to blossom..

How on earth am I suppose to tell my life story simply through a few given objects, collected from my own house ? How will these objects capture the essence of my life? In what why do they describe me in the best way ?
What do Pettson and Findus, an old pair of shoes, my grandmom and an empty bottle of wine have to say about me ? That's about how far I've come ! A great deal more, I gather !

T o b e c o n t i n u e d !


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who's loving you ?

Today was a very productive day, despite the lack of inspiration I managed to get a whole lot done, no new major art projects, just simple documentation of all my previews work/new stuff. I need to get it all in the computer so I can sample them together in a pretty way, and later on: off they go ! Into the unknown ...mohahha !
I still have some finishing touches to do on various things. I'm also very much depended on the daylight/sunlight. It's hard to capture a good picture with just the simple light source of a light bulb !

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

the boxer

What does it take to find that one little thing that kicks you off into making great deals of all sorts of things ? Spectacular buildings, incredible engineering, the brand new brand of tomorrow ? I'm talking of course about inspiration..
Why the lack of inspiration ? Usually it overflows me, lately it's been kind of absent. Why now when it's needed the most ? I have great things planned for the future and if things are not going according to plan you could be sure of finding one extremely unhappy little girl..

I blame my not so tidy room, it distracts me.. tidy kitchen tidy mind ..

I need my knight in shiny armour...

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's officially crazy weather..

Back on track..

It's officially Fridas 21th Birthday today ! February 7 ! I've known her my whole life and we've shared a whole lot of joyful moments together and let it be many many more !
To highlight our time together I've put a few pictures together down the memory lane :
Truth is, pictures on this computer only goes back a few years inåll till GODO !

Oh the sweet memories ! - Sunday Bloody Sunday -