Thursday, November 29, 2012

Swedish meatballs med Lingon

Me and my siblings went to see Carl Einar Häckner on Monday night at the Saga theatre in my little town. Carl Einar Häckner is a Swedish comedian/magician and it was H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s ! I was cracking up in tears throughout the entire show ! So much fun, and he is so poetic at the same time ! Wonderful.

He started this tour in Australia with a big success and this is some of the sketches he performed on Monday nigh as well:

REfresh at UMA

I need to be better on this bloggin' thing.or I might as well shut this blog down. I do know I have a few v-e-r-y important followers in different parts of the world though, so I will give it another go, just for them. Don't count on a daily update though, because that will not happen. I'm too busy spending my days inside the walls of my school doing stuff like this:

Various kinds of drawings


Two level models 


Whiwhi! It scary how fast time goes by..Seriously it's December this weekend ! What happened to this year !! What's gonna happen next year ? the Future starts so slow :