Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday, tell me why I don't like mondays ..

I have a big cup of coffee in front of me, I just had fresh baked cinnamon rolls and the sun is out and makes it all warm and lovely ! So what's WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE?? Yes, I've still got the STUPID COLD ! I want to be able to be outdoors and enjoy the spring heat as well as the rest of you BUT instead I'm forced to only dream of it from the wrong side of my bedroom window - Not fair AT ALL !

But it's not all bad after all, I am, somehow, in a very inspiring mood at the moment which is making me wanna paint a lot, and that's exactly what I'm doing ! Last night I sort of finished my Bono - painting, I still got two more left but it is starting to actually look like them now..
My next project is to make a painting on a smaller wooden "pannå" - not something I usually would paint on but it's unfortunately the only thing I had left so, a nice change. I don't know what it's gonna be yet, but I'm thinking some sort of a portrait, time will tell ...

Picture will be posted when I have something worthwhile showing !

Happy Easter everyone !

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