Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Fall.

Once again I find myself updating this blog on a sunday ..don't know why that is..

I woke up at approx 9.13 this morning and did not even go to the bathroom at first instead I took down one of my paintings I had started the day before and pulled out different colors and just started painting...This painting was the first thing I saw when I woke up and immediately got inspired to continue on it ! That urge feeling of follow through on your work ...(still not finished though)

The rest of the day followed the same pattern: Inspiration and creativity..I drew different sketches and finally managed to reframe a painting with my dad ! (a painting for my brother)

Tmrw is yet another week.. Hopefully I will work, but if not, I think I could find my ways to survive, meaning: I'm kind of tired and love all sorts of movies (except for horror and similar to that genrer)...

This weekend My parents and My sister and I went to a dinner party on Saturday with friends of my mom's and dad's--Real fun actually ! Other than that, it's been a kind of a lazy weekend ! (technically I should be prepared for a new (work)week then)...

I miss two gurls in particural !!! you know who you ARE we need to skype asap !!

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